Make Friends and Grow in Christ.
Each of the small groups is design to bring people together and learn about being a disciple for Jesus. Below you will find the name of the group, dates, times, and location. Each group is 10 weeks long, so if the one you are interested is filled up just wait until the next start date.

Gene and Melissa Green
"Kicking it with the Word”
Want to know more about the Bible in simple everyday terms? The Green's will make you feel right at home .
Sorry, Group is full
Sorry, Group is full

Samantha Hill and Babyann
“Lean on Me”
Trusting in the Lord with all your heart, and not leaning to your own understanding.
Meets every other Friday starting January 16 at 7 pm. at the Church Youth House.
Meets every other Friday starting January 16 at 7 pm. at the Church Youth House.

Amy Jensen
“Body and Soul Strengthening “
Come to this small group and get encouragement, ideas, and support as you navigate your health. Learn how to eat better, live better and have more joy and strength. Come and strengthen your body, mind and soul together with others believers.
Meets every other Monday starting Jan 13 at 6:45pm in Umatilla.

Amanda Ritson
Breakthrough: Trusting with Water Walking Faith!
With the book, “I want to trust you, but I don’t”, by Lysa Terkeurst, we will take a deep dive of how to overcome past battles of insecurities, causing unbelief and mistrust. We are going to experience a breakthrough like never before and regain trust in areas we didn’t think we had a lack, maybe even in our relationship with the Lord.
Meets every other Tuesday starting January 14th at 6:30pm in Grand Island.
Meets every other Tuesday starting January 14th at 6:30pm in Grand Island.

Melody Bradley
"Ready, Set, Grow”
Using the Book Ready, Set, Grow by Scott Wilson (10th anniversary Ed), we will look at the different areas of personal growth and how this can impact others and the church.
Meets every other Mondays starting Jan 13th @ 7pm on Zoom.
Meets every other Mondays starting Jan 13th @ 7pm on Zoom.

June Malley
General Bible Study
What to know more about the Bible? What to learn in simple everyday terms? Meets every Thursday at 12:00pm.